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Welcome to Our Mettaverse

Writer's picture: Deniece Smith - Our MettaverseDeniece Smith - Our Mettaverse

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

We welcome you! All are welcome here. All is welcome here. Your whole self is welcome here. The strong part. The hopeful part. The nervous part. The tired part. The fulfilled part. The needs something part. The brown part. The black part. The yellow part. The rainbow part. The white part. The tall part. The short part. The skinny part. The fat part. The poor part. The rich part. The loving part. The angry part. The patient part. The employed part. The unemployed part. The walking part. The rolling part. The amputated part. The smiling part. The frowning part. The scarred part. The bald part. The blotchy part. The fearful part. The hidden part. The creative part. The aging part. The youthful part. The sad part. The epic part. The over achiever part. The lagger part. The fit part. The clumsy part. The coordinated part. The lights up the room part. The stands in the corner part. The wonderful part. The beautiful part. The just like us part. The feels alone part...

We strongly encourage you to add parts that you can think of below that we may have left out. All parts of you are welcome here.

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