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Our kids are tired of our example. It's time we elevate our civic engagement.

Writer's picture: Deniece Smith - Our MettaverseDeniece Smith - Our Mettaverse

By Deniece Smith of Our Mettaverse

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Our kids are tired of our example

I've listened. I've put my ego aside and heard the concerns. Our kids are tired of the name calling and bashing. They're tired of us not listening to both sides of an argument. They are tired of us being so rigid in our opinions that theirs don't seem to matter. They are tired of corporate and government corruption. They are tired of not trusting the food they eat, or the medical system they rely on. They're tired of seeing us overlook unethical behavior in friends just because those friends have money.

We are setting a horrible example for our children. When we fail to act in ways we ask them to we lose their trust. They are tired of us not having a moral compass.

So here's my ask:

Empowerment through Government Participation:

1). Please get involved in your local city government.

Learn how to engage with your city's processes--email or call your council members and mayor. This is how you influence decisions that affect your community.

2). Please participate in your county government.

Communicate with county officials about issues that matter to all residents. Your voice can shape policies that impact your wider community.

3). Please engage with your state government.

Reach out to your state representatives, senators, and even the governor. They need to hear from you to prioritize what truly matters to the people of your state.

4). Please be active in national government.

Don't just vote every four years--stay engaged. Contact your members of Congress, the Vice President, and the President. Democracy is an ongoing conversation, not a periodic event.

Image with self in the middle, others in a circle around self, cities and governments in circle around that
Self, then others, then governments, then all

Empowerment through Civic Engagement:

5). Please reconnect with your neighbors.

Check in with those living near you. Ask how you can help and make sure everyone feels safe and supported. Being present and serving others in your immediate community is powerful.

6). Please listen to your family.

Every member of your family deserves to express their ideas in a safe and respectful environment. Prioritize creating a home where everyone feels emotionally and physically secure. Lead by example, and remember that your family's opinions are as valid as your own.

7). And trickiest of all...Please know yourself.

Reflect on your own behavior. Cultivate what is good and stop, purify, or pluck out of your garden, anything that isn't good one-by-one. By working on yourself, you set an example for others. Show your family that it is your intention to make a difference in your own life so you can be a better person in theirs.

It is not just a case of who is the President of the United States where we can have an effect. We can participate in many different ways to become proponents of our concerns.

When we take accountability we erase the role of victim. We like ourselves more. Our family will appreciate us more. Our cities, counties and states will appreciate us most when we participate, listen and act with civility and respect.

May you be well and safe. May you belong. And may others care for you as much as you care for them.

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